Does Psoriatic Arthritis Disease Cause Chronic Back Pain?


Suffering from an autoimmune disease like psoriasis is not easy. It affects several aspects of life in several different ways.

Many people with psoriasis disease experience pain in different areas of the body. These pains are believed to be signs of Psoriatic arthritis.

It is a type of arthritis that affects people suffering from psoriasis. However, most people are unaware of this fact, which keeps them struggling with joint pains.

Sometimes this ignorance leads to chronic bodily pain. But, does psoriatic arthritis cause chronic back pain?

Well in the opinion of the best doctor in Patna for orthopedic, to know the answer we have to understand the link between psoriatic arthritis and joint pain.

Does Psoriatic Arthritis Cause Chronic Back Pain 

So can psoriatic arthritis cause spinal stenosis, which may result in chronic pain?

Well, there’s a high chance of developing choric pain in psoriatic arthritis.

This happens because in psoriatic arthritis the body’s immune system attacks healthy cells and tissues which causes inflammation in the joints.

If this inflammation is left untreated for longer, it may result in structural damage.

The structural damage caused by psoriatic arthritis can affect numerous parts of the body and back bone is one of them.

This means that a one-word answer to all the questions related to back pain like “Can psoriatic arthritis cause degenerative disc disease” will be, Yes.

Psoriatic arthritis can cause chronic back pain that will affect your day-to-day life.

However, there are some psoriatic arthritis back pain treatments, that can help to manage the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis in the spine.

Psoriatic Arthritis Back Pain Treatment 

This autoimmune disease is non-curable but psoriatic arthritis back and hip pain can be managed with the help of some tips:

1. Physiotherapy

Opting for physical therapy is one of the best ways to fight psoriatic arthritis back pain.

A trained Physiotherapist will make you perform some less intense exercises that will reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain.

The exercise will also help you in getting back your mobility and range of motion.

2. Occupational Therapy  

The reduces the inflammation caused by psoriatic spondylitis one can also rely on occupational therapy.

It may not reverse your arthritis but will help manage the pain.

To fight the pain an Occupational therapist tries to reduce inflammation with the help of thermal modalities such as heat and cold therapy.

3. Quit Smoking 

Smoking not only injures the lungs but also affects your joint health.

Health experts suggest that smoking can narrow the blood vessels which affects the healing process.

Additionally, studies also show that smoking cigarettes can promote chronic inflammation. An increase in inflammation will trigger back pain.

4. Lose Weight 

Our joints bear all the body and that’s why for better joints it's important to maintain an ideal weight.

Health experts suggest that just dropping 10% of the body can reduce arthritis pain in half.

Imagine what will happen if you lose 50% of your body weight. There's a high chance of you getting rid of the pain.

5. Reduce Alcohol 

Dirking alcohol is not as bad as smoking but excessive consumption makes the arthritis worse.

Studies have shown that people with alcohol can increase inflammation in the body.

However, if you can't cut the alcohol instantly, try to reduce it slowly and gradually. Limit yourself to just one drink a day.

So, these are some of the tips to reduce arthritis chronic back pain.

However, if somehow these tips are not providing you the relief it’s high time you consult a good orthopedic doctor in Patna.

Dr. Ramakant Kumar is one such orthopedic expert who can help you in managing your psoriatic arthritis and the pain that comes with it.

To get in touch with him you must visit his official website.

However, psoriatic arthritis doesn’t only affect back pain but it also has an impact on several other body parts.

Other Effects of Psoriatic Arthritis on the Body 

We have discussed that living with psoriatic arthritis is not easy because of its impact on several aspects of life.

If you have come this far in the blog then you must have the answer to the question “Does psoriatic arthritis cause chronic back pain”.

However, interestingly It not only causes back pain that disrupts day-to-day life, but this disease also shows its symptoms in other body parts:

  • Rough patches on the skin
  • May Reduce the Vision
  • Negative Effects on the Digestive System
  • Increase the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
  • Disrupts Mental Health

Apart from these 5 common effects, psoriatic arthritis also impacts the immune system negatively as it is an auto-immune disease.


While exploring the topic “Does psoriatic arthritis cause chronic back pain” we get to know that yes, this autoimmune disease can lead to chronic back pain.

This happens because of the increased inflammation in the joint of the backbone.

Psoriatic arthritis is an incurable disease but the pain that it causes can be managed with the help of some tips.

Whether it’s lower or upper back pain caused by psoriatic arthritis disease, the tips in this blog will help you to reduce it.

If you want to know more about this disease and its cure, you must contact Dr Ramakant Kumar.

He is an orthopedic doctor who is famous in Patna for his knowledge and years of experience. To get in touch with him you can visit his official website.


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