Reverse Shoulder Replacement Surgery - Know the Risk Factors

Shoulder pain can be annoying and have a huge negative impact on day-to-day life. It may make even doing simple tasks like tying shoelaces difficult and painful. Those with severe shoulder pain will also not be able to enjoy playing sports and hobbies like playing guitar.

However, mild shoulder pain can come and go away on its own but if you get worse day by day then you need to go through surgery to fix it. Surgeries are one of the best ways to get rid of shoulder pain.

However, according to the best Joint replacement surgeon in Patna people with some specific injury can get relief from the traditional shoulder replacement surgery. For those patients, there are special procedures like reverse shoulder replacement surgery.

What is Reverse Shoulder Replacement Surgery

People who don’t know about this procedure often ask questions like “Is reverse shoulder replacement, a major surgery?” Well, it’s a major surgery that deals with the issues related to rotator cuffs.

If you see the reverse shoulder replacement surgery video you will get to know that, in this procedure, the surgeon replaces the damaged part of the shoulders with an artificial object.

This artificial object is a joint designed to work exactly like the real one. However, this procedure is common in every other shoulder joint replacement, making it different.

Well unlike other techniques this procedure reverses the function of your shoulder. This happens because in this particular surgery not the socket by the ball is joined to the arm’s bone, which makes the patients use their shoulder muscles to stabilize the new joint. But, is this reversal method good for the patients?

Pros and Cons of Reverse Shoulder Replacement

Reverse shoulder replacements are indeed one of the best ways to deal with arthritis and issues related to rotator cuffs.

But still, health experts don’t suggest these therapies to everyone because it has some cons with a long list of pros, which everyone should be aware of. So, let’s start with the pros first:


Reduces Pain – If you were fed up with your unbearable joint pain going through this surgery can give you relief.

Improved Range of Motion – After a successful reverse shoulder surgery you will be able to move your shoulder and hand with full range of motion.

Improved life Quality – You will be able to do your day-to-day tasks without any difficulty and can also resume lower-impact sports activity.  

Faster Recover - reverse shoulder replacement surgery recovery time is slightly faster than the traditional way. That’s why the patients the allowed to perform lower-impact sports in this procedure.  

So, these were the 4 benefits of going through a reverse shoulder replacement, but one should also be aware of its cons along with the pros so that a person can clear if is shoulder replacement surgery is worth it or not.



Infections – All the surgeries have complications and reverse shoulder surgeries are also one of them. Infections are one of the most common complications of this procedure.

Join Instability – The process of removing and replacing the joint can sometimes result in joint instability, which can lead to another surgery.  

Bone Damage – The surgeons try to have as much success as they can but the procedure is so complicated that sometimes it damages the bone around the affected area.

It’s Not Permanent – The artificial joints are not as effective as the real ones and they can also wear out with time. You may have to go for revision surgery after a few years.

Apart from these negative effects, some patients have also claimed to experience deltoid muscle pain after reverse shoulder replacement.

This happens because the newly replaced joints rely on your deltoid muscles to move the arms. If you wish to avoid these risks and complications then you must get your surgery done by a qualified and experienced surgeon.

Fortunately, our city has one such doctor who has helped many people with shoulder issues with their expertise. Dr, Ramakant Kumar, provides the best shoulder arthroscopy in Patna. The regional folks call him the best orthodoctor in Patna for shoulder-related issues.


Reverse shoulder replacement surgery is a major surgery that deals with the issues related to rotator cuffs. Like all replacement surgeries, in this procedure, the surgeon also replaces the damaged joints with artificial ones.

The only difference is that in this particular technique instead of the socket the ball is joined to the arm bones. This reverses the functioning of the shoulder.

After the surgery, the patient’s joints rely on the deltoid muscles to move the arms. If you have a rotator cuff injury on the issue then going through this surgery can completely change your life as it’s full of benefits. However, despite the advantages, it also has some disadvantages too.

We have mentioned both in this blog so that you can be clear on whether you want to opt for this surgery or not. Hope you found this blog informative and if you liked it then do share it with those who think need to read this blog.  


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